Who I know to be Perpetrators, Accessories, and Witnesses.

This page is an effort to list the names and deeds of those effected by or responsible for the crimes. Witnesses or those who can corroborate the validity of my statements are listed along with perpetrators. Only those I Kavin Wells Rawlinson remember are listed. Many who took part in the crimes were unknown to me or I only saw once and never knew their names. Many others aided and abetted the crimes after the fact who remain unknown due to corruption, cover-up, and a complete unwillingness to investigate the shameful truth.


I Kavin Rawlinson was one of the victims. I was used as an instrument of forced prostitution against my will through the wrongful representation of my cell phone and my name by criminals protected by my chain of command. I survived trauma without proper support, as well as torture, attempted murder, willful denial of medical attention, and the repeated denial of proper legal action. These crimes were done to me because of my refusal to accept forced prostitution gang rapes that literally used a service members’ love for me as an instrument of coercion for multiple gang rapes. I was forced to use a variety of defenses to survive entrenched corruption after this victimization when I refused to go along with the encouraged crimes conducted by members of the U.S. military.

Victim and Accessory.

Elizabeth Ann Walker was both a victim and accessory within the series of crimes. She was targeted by Marcus Geary and others to be raped repeatedly through a variety of means. The use of intoxication and unauthorized manipulation of my cell phone firstly. Then a second series of sexual assaults that used the continued manipulation of my name and character, along with the continued unauthorized use of my cell phone and at least one camera falsely presented as mine. The authority hoax forced prostitution was revealed and Elizabeth Walker became fully aware of what was done to her at the same time I did. I was traumatized initially by the realization then enraged with the full intent of reporting the incident which lead to the criminals torturing me till my heart stopped in order to get possession of evidence. However Elizabeth was willing to repeatedly aid her rapists and my attempted murders in concealing their crimes.


Assailant Rapist.

Marcus H. Geary was the prime instigator of the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker. He was the main assailant in my assault, torture, and attempted murder. He orchestrated and participated in the concealing of these numerous crimes with the aid of corrupt military personal. He continued to torment, gaslight, threaten, and intimidate me after corrupt military personnel permitted him to go free fully aware of his heinous crimes and sadistic personality.

Assailant Rapist.

Nathaniel Pinner was an assailant in the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker. He physically held Elizabeth Ann Walkers by the fore arms forcing her to watch my torture and attempted murder while she yelled “Your hurting him.” leaving visible bruises. He participated in the criminal acts of concealing the numerous crimes with corrupt military personal. Participated in my continued intimidation after the crimes.

Assailant Rapist.

Paul A. Rodriguez was an assailant and orchestrator in the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker. He was present and watched my torture and attempted murder. He lied when he presented his video camera that he claimed belonged to me to Elizabeth in order to continue coercing and filming the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth. He latter showed a rape trophy video off to navy personal  Jamorris Brown and Willie Peavy. Remembered for saying; “She took it like a champ,” in regards to the rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker in a clip within a rape trophy video. Continued to torment and attempt to intimidate me after corrupt military personnel permitted him to go free aware of his heinous crimes.

Assailant Rapist.

Rubin J. Ruiz was an assailant in the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker. He was present and watched my torture and attempted murder. Participated in my continued mocking and torment after the crimes. Remembered for saying in a laughing and mocking way to me “She really loves you.” in the S-5 wardroom galley next to the entrance that lead directly to the service line. This was in reference to what he and the other rapists made Elizabeth Ann Walker say to me in their rape trophy videos. “I love you.” Elizabeth came up behind him and struck him telling him to “Shut up.” after he said it. He rejected a offer to confess when brought into kitty-hawk security.

Assailant Rapist.

Jacob O. Young assistant in the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker. He was present and watched my torture and attempted murder. Remembered for telling me “Thank You.” in the S-5 wardroom while I was working by myself and did not know the rapes were being conducted in Key Control. Jacob Young then knowingly went back and continued to help conduct more rapes. Jacob Young was present in the S-5 mess deck when I was in front of the Japanese coffee machine and was shown clear rape trophy videos on my cell phone by Marcus Geary and passed out from shock. Jacob Young then help pick me up and said “Sorry.” reviling he was fully aware of the corrosive element within the forced prostitution, as well as me being unaware the rapes were being conducted using my cell phone and name against my will.

Assailant Rapist.

Timoy L. Mitchell is one of the most violent of the rapist. He sodomized Elizabeth Ann Walker while she was restrained against her will by other rapists. Timoy L. Mitchell would stand in the door way to block the exit for my attempted intimidation inside the  S-5 office by Julius A. Alcantara. Timoy L. Mitchell is remembered for using the term “Beat guts.” in reference his raping. Timothy Mitchel slapped me violently when I was in a state of catatonic shock and laughed about my unresponsiveness with Thomas J. Tate preset on his right side.


Doug M. DeCicco assistant in the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker. Doug M. DeCicco is remembered for making a “Piss on your chest” comment to a witness who worked in the galley for S-5 division, while the witness stood in front of the Japanese coffee machine drinking. The witness then repeated back what Doug M. DeCicco said to himself. Doug M. DeCicco then smiled and laughed at Kavin Wells Rawlinson while walking away in order to torment Kavin Wells Rawlinson with an cruel and unusual element of Elizabeth Ann Walkers’ rapes. Kavin Wells Rawlinson was present during the “Piss on your chest” comment standing between the Japanese coffee machine and a storage closet on the S-5 officers mess deck. Kavin Wells Rawlinson resorted to an intimidation defense to survive by learning the names of Doug. M. DeCicco s’ parents and asking how they were doing by name in front of witness Willie Peavy who was put in charge of the S-5 galley at the time.


Thomas J. Tate (Thomas J. Tate assistant in the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker. Remembered for laughing with Timothy Mitchel when Timothy Mitchel slapped Kavin Wells Rawlinson in a state of catatonic shock after torture and attempted murder.)


Tony Benson (Tony Benson assistant in the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker. Remembered for telling Kavin Wells Rawlinson, “I am too attractive to go to prison.” in front of a golfing arcade game that used a roller ball inside the fleet rec center. Also showed up after the S-5 office intimidation orchestrated by Julius A. Alcantara.)



(Others participated as well but have yet to be exposed. Those not listed know who they are.)


(Others ) There are others who participated in the rapes but I only saw their faces on the rape trophy cell phone video for a moment and did not recognize them. Some people I did not know were on the weird cover up video Julius A. Alcantara showed in the intimidation attempt in the S5 office.


Matthew Kremer. (Matthew Kremer assistant in the cover up of the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker and the torture attempted murder of Kavin Wells Rawlinson. After the assaults he stood outside the Key Control door within clear view of Kavin Wells Rawlinsons’ catatonic body being shown rape trophy videos by Marcus Geary and the others and declaring “That’s not rape.” and “Clean this up.”)


Nelson A. SanPedro (Nelson A. SanPedro assistant in the cover up of the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker and the torture attempted murder of Kavin Wells Rawlinson. Nelson A. SanPedro is remembered for engaging in a discussion with Timoy L. Mitchell, telling him to shut up inside the S-5 scullery next to the S-5 galley after Timoy L. Mitchell threatened Kavin Wells Rawlinson inside the S-5 mess decks some time after the crimes. Nelson A. SanPedro is also remembered for knowing about the crimes when he talked to Kavin Wells Rawlinson in front of the grill inside the S-5 galley down playing their importance to Kavin Wells Rawlinson who was almost murdered over them with comments like, ” You know how the girls on the ship are.”


Nida L. Anderson (Nida L. Anderson is remembered for saying repeatedly “I want to be chief.” as justification for assistanting in the cover up of the authority hoax forced prostitution gang rapes of Elizabeth Ann Walker and the torture attempted murder of Kavin Wells Rawlinson. Nida L. Anderson is also remembered for hovering over Kavin Wells Rawlinsons’ body while he was in catatonic shock trying to regain use of his basic motor functions after being tortured till his heart stopped and saying “You are crazy.” instead of calling for a medical emergency. Ninda L. Anderson also saw the rape trophy videos and argued with those present where she first expressed her rational to justify her guilty conscience, “I want to be chief.”



Jesus Romil Delicruze (Jesus Romil Delicruze was the first person of a higher rank to show up after Kavin Wells Rawlinsons’ attempted murder. Jesus Romil Delicruze is remembered for is comments like “His brain is rebooting like a computer.” when Kavin Wells Rawlinsons’ was trying to regain control of his motor functions. Jesus Romil Delicruze also did not call medical emergency as he stood in clear view of Kavin Well Rawlinsons’ body telling Marcus Geary something to the affect of “I have to report this, if I don’t I am responsible.” making him fully conscious of his guilt.)


David A. Leinen ( Knew gang rapes were occurring and did nothing to prevent them. Said “You told her to do that?” laughed and slapped Kavin on the shoulder when Kavin did not know what he was talking while he knew they were raping Elizabeth Walker. Continued to laugh in Kavins’ face after war crimes when he saw Kavin. Was also on the strange “we love you” video made and placed on Kavins’ cell phone after the crimes to coerce, intimidate, or further the trauma Kavin suffered from after being tortured till his heart stopped.

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Micheal May (Made the “You still on about that.” comment to Kavin by trash sponson ladder when Kavin mentioned the tortures and forced gang rapes. Kavin became distraught and held May at knife point yelling at him and making him get on his hands and knees face down, Kavin then stabbed the ground next to Mays’ head several times and asked “Does that answer your question?”)

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Julius A. Alcantara (Corrupt security official. Conspired with war criminals over victim and witness. Laughed and enjoyed the nature of the crimes. Tried to get potential evidence back from Kavin.)

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Gary W. Carr ( Witnessed Kavin confronting Paul Rodriguez in officers wardroom. Was present outside trash sponson with Kavin and asked Kavin “Do you want to talk to me about it.” in hopes of convincing Kavin to let it go. Never sought to expose the war crimes.)


Michael L. Schutz. Was also present during the trash sponson latter well  argument.

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Dr. Tara N. Smith. Witness and unprofessional mental health officer.

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Kinsey A. Gogel. Witness who mocked Kavin Rawlinson.

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Willie Peavy was present in the confrontation between Kavin Rawlinson and Paul Rodriguez in the officers ward room. He was also shown Pauls’ rape trophy video. Quoted, “Oh, yall got it like that.”, as he turned away visibly uncomfortable.


Jamorris Brown. Was a confidant of  Paul Rodríguezes and shown Rodríguezes rape trophy video as well.

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Eric R. Loret De Mola, was present when an unknown substance was place in Kavins’ drink after the initial crimes. I do not know how much Eric Loret de Mola knows about all the criminal activities but he was a close friend of Marcus Geary and once argued with me while loading cargo in a freezer that “You could not rape the willing.” as if excusing the behavior of the war criminals.

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(Others ) There are others who participated in the rapes but I only saw their faces on the rape trophy cell phone video for a moment and did not recognize them. Some people I did not know were on the weird cover up video Julius A. Alcantara showed in the intimidation attempt in the S5 office.




Listed witnesses to the crimes that may have served as limited confidants in Kavins’ approached for support or to patterns of behavior from criminals.


Candice Thompson

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Marisa Gomez

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Ryan Manalac

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Paul Vim Lumain, came up to me in the aft mess hall and asked me how I was after the incident implying knowledge.

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Jennifer Freehill, was present with Marcus, Pinner, myself, and The S5 officer in charge at the time (His Name escapes me at the moment) when the crimes were brought up in a passage way that connected officers quarters.



Daniel Sherrett, was present with me at the food court Manchu WOK when I informed him of the crimes. He commented, “Wow they did a good job covering that up.”



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